Huwebes, Hunyo 11, 2015



Pedagogically, learning is a process which is primarily compose of the teachers and the learners. Without the combined efforts of the aforementioned, learning can never take place. In CIA Camp all those things are made possible. However, every journey has an expected end. After experiencing all the good things in the amazing world of Second Language learning, it's a perfect time to celebrate, glory and say thanks to everybody for the momentum event spending together. 


A surprise number for Mr. Lee Hi Duck during CIA/ Open Edu farewell party. Filipino Staff and All Head Personnel Departments shows their  loyalty and integrity to their Korean Boss .

                               Students are lighting the candles to symbolize their friendships!

    As a thanks giving gift  Teachers are showing their talents in dancing during the farewell party. A simple gift may it call but it will turn into a treasure into the book of memories of every individual specially the to their students.

Although they are young, they are still ready to beat the trials of their confidence by showing what they've got. Students are using their imagination and creativity to think what is the best gift to give to everyone that they had laughed and shared knowledge with. In the day of saying goodbye, students are showing their gift of life to everyone. 


Moreover, everything in the Camp won't work smoothly if not because of them also, "The International Staff". They are with the students in all times specially in times of language deficiency. They are the number one English translator of the students. With that, with their cutie cute dance moveS, they leave everyone with a BIG SMILE. 

But  then every journey has it's own END. Cryings are not a symbol of loneliness nor sorrow but it does symbolizes sometimes that the trials of every journey are defeated with determination and the strength of dedication to aim its GOAL. 

Learning with happiness and Crying with a tears of Joy are easy to find if you just put your whole self on it. 

           Learning with happiness and Crying with tears of Joy are easy to find if you just put your whole self on it. END doesn't mean its over, in fact E.N.D means "Efforts never Dies". 

And it really CIA English Camp did has.

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